Florida Undergraduate Research Conference
February 22-23, 2020
The Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC) is one of the nation's largest multi-disciplinary research conferences. It is an annual event open to all undergraduate researchers in the state of Florida to present their research in a poster forum. Every year, the conference is hosted at a different college or university in the state. The conference boasts some of the best networking opportunities with fellow researchers and graduate programs across the country, as well as workshops and other professional development experiences.
Florida Undergraduate Research Conference
February 22-23, 2020
The Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC) is one of the nation's largest multi-disciplinary research conferences. It is an annual event open to all undergraduate researchers in the state of Florida to present their research in a poster forum. Every year, the conference is hosted at a different college or university in the state. The conference boasts some of the best networking opportunities with fellow researchers and graduate programs across the country, as well as workshops and other professional development experiences.
Florida Undergraduate Research Journal
A journal devoted to the publication of undergraduate research
No Statistical Difference in Measurements Between Caliper and Apps: A Comparison of Artifact Measurement Methods
Taryn Lagor
Lynn University
Vol. 3 (2024): 1 - 7
DOI: 10.55880/furj3.1.01